Set in France during World War II, ‘Firing Squad’ is the story of Captain John Adam, an honourable soldier whose career lies stagnant because once in the searing heat of battle his courage failed. Now he can restore his reputation if he commands a firing squad to execute a fellow soldier. In the harrowing hours […]
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
They had a successful life of crime for twenty years but they had no idea this kid would get in their way. An adolescent, the son of a deceased police officer, investigates the robbery at a local store on his own. Uncovering a plot to rob a bank, the boy captures the criminals and identifies […]
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
On the weekend of July 4th 1982 Canadian teenager Bruce Curtis visits his schoolfriend Scott Franz in New Jersey. That weekend Scott’s abusive stepfather is shot and killed. So is his mother. Five days later the boys are arrested. Scott Franz cooperates with the prosecution and pleads guilty to the murder of his stepfather. He […]
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
Partners in love. Partners in crime. They are partners for life. The true story of a smart young couple robbing banks to pay the bills. Precision planning mystifies the FBI, but they manage to unfold the robbers’ latest plans and a high-speed chase leads to a fatal and dramatic conclusion.
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
Debuting to international broadcasters in 2010 is the Guys Choice Awards. This headline grabbing, two-hour homage to the kingdom of testosterone is the only awards ceremony that dares to give Clint Eastwood a set of brass balls and Halle Berry an award for a decade of hotness! Academy Award-winner George Clooney has joined the all-star […]
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
A young half-breed boy, Rick, watches helplessly as his powerful father, Wells, murders his Mexican mother and gets away with it. Thirty years later, he plots revenge with Cathy who is now married to Wells but is also Rick’s lover. The plot backfires when Wells is suddenly blown up in a car bombing. The police […]
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
A small-town doctor finds himself trapped in a nightmarish web of events after agreeing to keep an eye on a teenage girl while her parents are away. Although happily married, Arthur Bradley struggles to keep his confused feelings in check as he finds himself increasingly drawn to Fiona, his neighbour’s daughter. Fiona is equally drawn […]
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
This high profile, special event movie chronicles Muhammad Ali’s life up to 1964, when Ali faced defending world champion Sonny Liston for the World Heavyweight Championship in Miami, Florida. It depicts the rise of Cassius Clay through the amateur ranks from the Olympic Gold Medal to Championship of the World, and his transformation into Muhammad […]
ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles
Through technology kids have the chance to meet other kids from around the world. Each program gives a video overview of an individual child, highlighting their life, experiences, hopes and dreams. Video diaries give an insight into daily life, while peer-to-peer discussions allow kids to offer unique perspectives and knowledge on a wide range of […]