28 de March de 2025

ContentFilm : Privacy Policy

As we have a facility on this site for you to subscribe to our news alerts – allowing you to conveniently receive news in your inbox as and when it is released – we need to keep a record of your name and email address. The name and email address you send us from the form on this site is for this purpose only.

At ContentFilm Plc we believe in privacy and hope that one day the world will be spam-free. We’re doing our bit to make this a reality. We don’t swap or rent your email address nor name to third parties.

Your name

We only collect and store your name in a database so that we can use it to address you personally in the news email alerts. We keep it to be friendly.

Your email address

We only collect and hold your email address in order to send you the news alerts you have requested. You can unsubscribe at any time. If you ever have a problem with your subscription contact [email protected].

If you email us in relation to a film or program query, your email address is kept as long as necessary to facilitate the correspondance and query.


Reply to an email news alert with only the word “unsubscribe” in the subject line. This will unsubscribe you from our database.


If we have not reassured with the policy outlined above, please contact [email protected].