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ContentFilm : News : Selected Press Clippings

21 August, 2008

By VarietySource: http://www.variety.com/blog/1390000339/post/430032043.html

Peace Arch as acquired North American rights to the Jean-Claude Van Damme action/comedy, “JCVD” ahead of its North American preem at Toronto, where it’s opening the Midnight Madness section.

“JCVD” stars the Brussels Muscles as himself, who returns to his hometown licking the wounds of a tanking career. He gets involved in a hostage situation, whereby the muscles are re-introduced.

“’JCVD’ is the first significant acquisition of the new venture between Peace Arch and ContentFilm,” said Berry Meyerowitz, President of Peace Arch Home Entertainment. “This outstanding film resonates with moviegoers, and we are thrilled to partner with Jean-Claude, director Mabrouk El Mechri and Gaumont to present it to audiences in North America.”

While Peace Arch plans to release the films theatrically, the pic was acquired by Peace Arch Home Entertainment, a company jointly owned by Peace Arch Entertainment Group and ContentFilm.

Here’s Rob Nelson’s Variety review from Cannes:

Van Damme is back! Combined with recent news that the Muscles from Brussels will soon turn auteur with “Full Love,” Gaumont’s “JCVD,” a French-language meta-movie parody par excellence, constitutes the headiest stretch of the beefy star’s career since, well, ever. Playing “himself,” i.e., an international action stud whose bruising child custody battle has him literally going postal , exec-producing Jean-Claude Van Damme reveals heretofore hidden third dimension to his monosyllabic persona.

Ho-hum hostage crisis mayhem serves to buttress co-scripting helmer Mabrouk El Mechri’s more experimental stunts, including a tonally opposite pair of longish takes — one a wonderfully absurd ode to star’s martial-arts moves, the other a tear- and prayer-filled Van Damme monologue that must be seen to be believed. An adventurous U.S. minimajor could reap modest B.O. following a June 4 French release.

For those that haven’t seen the hilarious teaser, check it out.