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ContentFilm : News : Latest Press Releases

8 September, 2008

LAST RIDE wrapped filming in the stunning Flinders Ranges on Saturday after 6 weeks of an intense and spectacular shoot.

Hugo Weaving (“Wolf Man”, “Matrix Trilogy” and “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert”) and Russell play father and son in the heartbreakingly complex road movie in the new feature from Glendyn Ivin.

Ivin won the Palme d’Or at Cannes for his short film “CRACKERBAG” and says of Russell “he’s an extraordinary acting talent for a boy of 10, and the combination of Tom and Hugo is dynamite in this film.”

ContentFilm International is selling the film worldwide excl. Australia/NZ which is repped by Madman Entertainment. LAST RIDE is due for release in 2009.