23 de February de 2025

ContentFilm Investors

New York – Blow Up Pictures ContentFilm is part owner of Jason Kliot’s and Joanna Vicente’s Blow Up Pictures, a leading digital filmmaking company based in New York, in exchange for a first look at Blow Up’s digital projects, as well as long term distribution rights to pictures produced under the deal. Blow Up Pictures’ credits include: the acclaimed Sundance 2002 film “Love In The Time Of Money,” “Chuck And Buck” and “Lovely and Amazing.”

Los Angeles – William Morris Agency and Sean Furst

ContentFilm has entered into a two-year strategic alliance with Furst Films, the L.A.-based production house run by Sean Furst, and WMA Independent, the independent film representation division of the William Morris Agency, which is co-headed by Rena Ronson and Cassian Elwes. Under the terms of the alliance, ContentFilm will work closely with Furst Films and WMA Independent to identify a wide range of projects, filmmakers and other talent represented by WMA.

Australia – Andrew Mason and the Australian Film Commission ContentFilm has entered into a multi-picture co-financing deal with Andrew Mason to give ContentFilm access to the wealth of filmmaking potential in Australia. Mr. Mason is one of the most respected producers in Australia. He has worked previously with Mr. Pressman on “The Crow” and went on to be a producer of “The Matrix”. Mr. Mason will source suitable material for ContentFilm in Australia and bring financing to the projects from private and government sources.

Ireland – Rapid Film

ContentFilm has formed a partnership with Rapid Film to produce a number of feature films in Ireland over the next three years. Rapid Film was created by producers Gerry McColgan, Frank Cassidy, and actor Patrick Bergin. The Rapid Film agreement provides the opportunity for ContentFilm to produce a diverse range of film projects in Ireland for international distribution.