23 de February de 2025

ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles

Signs of Life is the groundbreaking online drama series which follows astrologically minded Daisy, her jealous boyfriend Joe and Joe’s mysterious father Max, as the celestial forces of a lost stone circle are unleashed. Full of deceit, jealousy and passion, clues and plot lines are revealed by experimenting with scenes, characters and other fascinating online interactive platforms. These include rifling through a box of love letters and deciphering secret messages, all the while following astrologically-minded Daisy, as she uncovers plans for a secret occult ritual about to take place in her village. She soon finds she must overcome her reliance on horoscopes and take control of her life if she is going to stop the ritual, which threatens to destroy her relationship with boyfriend Joe, and his mysterious father Max. This unique drama is more than a show, it’s an experience.

Delivered as a broadband web experience, Signs of Life is an eight-episode online adventure. Each episode totals around twenty minutes, consisting of eight minutes of scripted video drama, interspersed with interactive segments which reveal clues and plot points to enrich the viewing experience and immerse players in the character’s lives. These interactive elements are integrated into the storyline but can be removed for a purely video experience.