23 de February de 2025

ContentFilm : All Titles : Fireworks International : All Titles

RingTales has the exclusive license to the world-famous cartoon library from The New Yorker, the highly respected American magazine which has published commentary, criticism, essays, satire and single panel comics with dry wit and humorous observations since 1925.

The library contains over 100,000 cartoons originated by some of the most important talents in American humour. Creating iconic catchphrases and images known throughout the world, the cartoons cover every subject from business, technology and movies to love, school and pets.

There is no dialogue, therefore no localization is necessary. The third most popular content provider to MSN Video in the U.S. and a hit on iTunes with over seven million views per month following a limited U.S. release, The New Yorker animations offer engaging multi-platform content for audiences worldwide, transforming bite sized gifts of humour from the page to the screen.