23 de February de 2025


Indie Circle – the highly selective Pan European consortium – has today announced its acquisition of Room 9 Entertainment and ContentFilm’s Thank You For Smoking for all of its territories. The Indie Circle team is made up of Lucky Red (Italy), Haut et Court (France), Cineart (Belgium), A-Film (The Netherlands) and Frenetic Film (Switzerland). ContentFilm is co-producing Thank You For Smoking with Room 9’s David Sacks, principal Photography started on the 25th of January. Directed by Jason Reitman the film’s stellar cast includes Aaron Eckhart (Erin Brockovitch), Robert Duvall (The Godfather), Katie Holmes (Batman Begins), Adam Brody (OC), Sam Elliott (We Were Soldiers), Cameron Bright (Birth), William H Macy (The Cooler), David Koechner (Anchorman), JK Simmons (Spiderman) and Kim Dickens (House of Sand and Fog). Based on the best-selling novel by Christopher Buckley, Eckhart plays “Nick Naylor”, the witty, fast-talking and devilishly charming protagonist in this hilariously satirical and daring expose of the tobacco business. San Fu Maltha of A Film said, “This is the kind of high quality, highly commercial project that can really work for our consortium. We loved the script right away and were extremely happy with the cast that Room 9 and ContentFilm were able to put together.” Jamie Carmichael of ContentFilm International said, “It’s a great compliment to the film that Indie Circle have been so quick to respond to the material. I’ve worked with most of the individual partners over the years and its great to have access to their combined first class distribution network. I should also say that we’re not done with the casting – we’re still expecting a one or two more important names to join the project.” The deal was concluded by Jamie Carmichael for ContentFilm International and San Fu Maltha and Stefano Massenzi (Lucky Red) for Indie Circle.

For further enquiries, please contact Judith Baugin ([email protected])