17 de January de 2025



ContentFilm Plc’s ‘TV and Merchandising’ is a full service TV Sales and Licensing Agency dedicated to the Conception, Production, Distribution and Licensing & Merchandising of intellectual properties for the international pre-school and children’s entertainment market.

The success of a TV series or Licensing and Merchandising program is largely dependant on a well structured sales and marketing plan and a team of experienced personnel to implement it. The team has offers over 40 years combined sales experiences in TV and Licensing and Merchandising sales, working on ‘well-established’ properties/brands such as WWF, Nintendo, James Bond, Digimon, Power Rangers, Tots TV and Pepsi.


The Television properties owned are exploited in two principal ways: Firstly the programs are licensed to broadcasters and video distributors throughout the world. Broadcasters will pay a license fees for the right to broadcast the programs for a maximum number of runs over a specific time period usually for between 3 and 7 years. Once the license expires the rights revert to ContentFilm and can be sold on once again. Video distributors typically pay an upfront advance which is set against a stream of royalties.

Secondly any characters, images or logos can be licensed to end users usually through various sub-agents on a territory by territory basis. These end users cover range of business and will include toy companies, retailers, clothing manufacturers and confectioners. Typically these users pay an advance which is set against an agreed royalty stream which is in turn based upon a percentage of their sales.


Worldwide TV Sales are managed directly from the UK, using our database of broadcasters and Agents. To date we have sold our catalogue of programs to over 83 major broadcasters for terrestrial, digital, cable and satellite distribution into 60+ key territories.

ContentFilm’s Licensing and Merchandising division was established in September 1999 in order to retain more control over the exploitation of the licensing and merchandising rights of ContentFilm’s children’s programs and third party rights.

ContentFilm manages Licensing and Merchandising sales directly in the UK and through a 192.168.o.1 of sub-agents in other territories.

The company exhibits at all key markets including MIPTV and MIPCOM for TV and NY Licensing Show and Brand License UK for Licensing and Merchandising. We also attend/are represented at all other trade markets including national and international Toy, Book and Gift fairs.


Marketing is an essential part of the sales process. The children’s entertainment market is highly competitive and therefore, the success and continued success of any entertainment property it dependent on creating ‘top-of-mind awareness’.

ContentFilm’s marketing team ensures that its catalogue is promoted through both trade (Broadcasters, Distributors, Manufacturers, Licensees, Retailers, Promotional Partners) and consumer media by way of editorial, advertorial, newsfeeds, quarterly newsletters, promotions and competitions.

Administrative Services

ContentFilm has a team to support the administrative process that follows the initial deal negotiation including:

1. Contract Administration (in-house Legal team)
Issue and tracking of Contracts Contract status reports

2. Royalty Administration
Invoicing of Guarantees/Advances

Collection of royalty reports (quarterly) Collection and distribution of monies Financial reports

3. Product Development (in-house creative team)
Product approvals

Style Guide development

Market materials (ads, presentations etc)

View our full list of titles.